My mother tells a story of my family stopping at an overlook in Colorado. I finally march back to the camper with some sticks in hand. My mom tells me to throw them away and I plead “but mom…these are my treasures!”

I still do this today and I guarantee if we ever go on a walk I’ll find something interesting,  creepy, strange or beautiful to either take a photo of or pick up…or both.

“The Other Side of Consciousness”

Items collected in Jacksonville, FL | Bakersville, N.C | Penland, N.C

Completed at Penland Studios, N.C. 2018

Reclaimed wood, wire and fabric
“Woven From the Earth”
Items collected in Penland, NC | Bakersville, N.C
Completed at Penland Studios, N.C. 2018
Tea Bag Vessels
Mixed Media | Items collected in Jacksonville, FL
Completed at my home studio in 2018
Tea Bag Installation
Mixed Media | Items collected in Jacksonville, FL
Completed in my home studio, 2018
Mixed Media Installation | Bakersville, NC
Found Items | St. Mary’s, Georgia
“Where It All Began”