Grasslands Initiative

Did you know that grassland loss is the single greatest conservation issue facing North America?

Most Americans are unaware that cities such as Charlotte, Chattanooga, Huntsville, Montgomery, Nashville, Raleigh-Durham, Richmond, and Tallahassee, among others, are as much “grassland cities” as Austin, Fort Worth, and Tulsa.

– Southeastern Grasslands Initiative

Due to my love for conservation I decided to join the “Rubbernecking for southern grasslands” project. I am officially a “Citizen Scientist” and have been trained on finding and documenting existing habitat along Tennessee’s highway corridors so SGI can help Tennessee Department of Transportation prioritize areas in need of protection and restoration.

So far I’ve logged over 100 miles and identified over 250 species. I get to take photos of some beautiful flowers! If you’re in Tennessee and are interested, you can help! Read more HERE

25 years will be too late” -SGI