Inspiration Journals


A few things inspired me to make journals. One-I’ve been thinking about the journal I’m supposed to be working on through The Sketchpad Project…it’s due February and I’ve had it for almost a year. That sounds very artist-y doesn’t it? (Not doing something until the last minute) Also, click HERE to see new items listed […]

December 19, 2019

Taking Root


When making things is your livelihood you don’t want to spend a lot of time experimenting. At least I don’t. It’s taken a lot of discipline to let myself “play” and over time I’ve been able to set aside part of my week to explore new mediums and just let go. This was was one […]

November 5, 2018

Encaustic Course-Week One


Hi! I’ve been blessed rich many rich art experiences this year, along with opportunities to learn new methods and techniques. Lucky for me the blessings haven’t stopped! Today was the first day of a 6-week online course I am taking with photo-encaustic artist, Clare O’Neill! I am super excited to continue this journey of learning with […]

October 30, 2018