Cyanotype Mobile


I’ve been doing a lot of quiet contemplation lately. 2020 taught me-not only is it okay to slow down-but it’s mandatory for the sake of my mental health. Over the past year I have spent time collecting photos, pressing plants, and learning how to give myself a break. Part of giving myself a break means […]

January 19, 2021

Ferns On Your Ears


Ferns that hang from trees can now hang from our ears! Here’s the story of this awesome collaboration of two bad ass women! Amber (@gingermadeartisan) and I met in Jacksonville, FL when we both lived there in 2013. Neither of us live in Jax anymore but we’ve followed each other on Instagram for years and […]

December 14, 2020

Cyanotype Workshop 11/3


I had the pleasure of teaching a cyanotype workshop at the beginning of November at Rustic Trading Company, located in Chattanooga. It was my very first time teaching this process to others and I loved it! Feel free to skim through the photos. As part of class, we walked around outside to discuss plants, native […]

November 12, 2019

Makers Faire


I had the pleasure of attending the Maker’s Faire this past weekend in Jonesborough, TN. You may be wondering how I learned about it and why I traveled 3 1/2 to get there, but that’s easy. Before we moved to TN we did a lot of research and Johnson City is one of the places […]

September 4, 2019

Natural Inspiration Pt. I


I grew up in a space that allowed and encouraged me to explore the world around me. One, because my parents were always outside (meant I was always outside) and two because when they weren’t they didn’t want me inside playing Nintendo or watching too much TV. My grandmother lived two blocks from us and […]

August 20, 2019



Hi! I haven’t written anything since March because I’ve been moving…to a different state! I’m in Tennessee and I am LOVING IT! It’s beautiful here and I feel like I’m on a different continent. I’m outside every day exploring and taking it all in. I’m finding new plant species, hiking (there are at least 4 […]

July 16, 2019