September Zoom Workshop


Hi friends, I am late to the game on this post (since this class was in September) but I just had to share because this is the first one I ever did using Zoom. I also wanted to share some of our setups from all across the East Coast! Here are some of the cards […]

November 10, 2020

Virtual SoulCollage Class


Hope is something we could all use right now and one way I think I might be able to bring some hope is teach people how to connect with their inner self through SoulCollage. SoulCollage has been a powerful way for me to explore and heal many parts of myself and I became a Facilitator […]

September 7, 2020

Blue Buddha


I am part of a writer’s group in SecondLife (virtual reality) and every week we are asked to think about a series of questions. This past week the question was: Literary/artistic pilgrimages – have you ever visited the site of an artist’s home or studio? Does it make a difference to you to see where […]

August 31, 2020

SoulCollage | Feb. 17, 2019


I had a fun time this past Sunday hosting SoulCollage in my home for the first time ever! It was fun to prepare for the event by picking fresh flowers, thinking up just the right amount of sweet and savory snacks, digging out my ceramic and wooden trays for display, lighting candles, infusing the air […]

February 18, 2019